


  1. 时间 time /taɪm/ n. “Can I have some more time to finish this project?” “我能有更多的时间来完成这个项目吗?”
  2. second /ˈsekənd , sɪˈkɑːnd/ n. “Give me a second, I’ll be right back.” “等一下,我马上回来。”
  3. minute /ˈmɪnɪt , maɪˈnjuːt/ n. “Just give me a minute to think about it.” “给我一分钟时间想一想。”
  4. 一刻钟 quarter /ˈkwɔːrtər/ n. “Let’s meet in a quarter of an hour.” “让我们在一个刻钟后见面。”
  5. 小时 hour /ˈaʊər/ n. “The meeting will last for an hour.” “会议将持续一个小时。”
  6. ...点钟 o’clock /əˈklɑːk/ ad. “I’ll see you at seven o’clock.” “我会在七点钟见你。”
  7. day /deɪ/ n. “We had a great day at the beach.” “我们在海滩度过了愉快的一天。”
  8. 星期 week /wiːk/ n. “I’ll be on vacation for a week.” “我将度假一周。”
  9. month /mʌnθ/ n. “Her birthday is in the next month.” “她的生日在下个月。”
  10. 季度 quarter /ˈkwɔːrtər/ n. “We expect to finish this project in the first quarter.” “我们预计在第一个季度完成这个项目。”
  11. year /jɪr/ n. “They got married last year.” “他们去年结婚了。”
  12. 十年 decade /ˈdekeɪd/ n. “The fashion trends of the previous decade are making a comeback.” “上一个十年的时尚趋势正在卷土重来。”
  13. 世纪 century /ˈsentʃəri/ n. “The invention of the printing press was a pivotal moment in history.” “印刷术的发明是历史上的一个关键时刻。”
  14. 千年 millennium /mɪˈleniəm/ n. “The manuscript has survived for over a millennium.” “这份手稿已经保存了一千多年。”
  15. 日出 sunrise /ˈsʌnraɪz/ n. “I love watching the sunrise over the mountains.” “我喜欢看日出,特别是在山上。”
  16. 日落 sunset /ˈsʌnset/ n. “The colors of the sunset were breathtaking.” “夕阳的颜色令人叹为观止。”
  17. 黎明 dawn /dɔːn/ n. “Dawn is the most peaceful time of the day.” “黎明是一天中最宁静的时刻。”
  18. 早晨 morning /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/ n. “I like to go for a run every morning.” “我喜欢每天早晨跑步。”
  19. 中午 noon /nuːn/ n. “Let’s have lunch at noon.” “让我们在中午一起吃午餐。”
  20. 下午 afternoon /ˌæftərˈnuːn/ n. “We’re meeting for coffee in the afternoon.” “我们下午一起喝咖啡。”
  21. 午前 a.m. /ˌeɪ ˈem/ abbr. “The event starts at 10 a.m.” “活动将于上午十点开始。”
  22. 午后 p.m. /ˌpiː ˈem/ abbr. “The party will be held from 7 p.m. onwards.” “晚上七点以后将举行派对。”
  23. 傍晚 evening /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ n. “We’re having a dinner party this evening.” “今晚我们有一个晚宴聚会。”
  24. 夜晚 night /naɪt/ n. “The stars are so beautiful in the night sky.” “夜空中的星星是如此美丽。”
  25. 午夜 midnight /ˈmɪdnaɪt/ n. “The clock struck midnight when the New Year arrived.” “午夜钟声敲响,迎接新年的到来。”
  26. 今晚 tonight /təˈnaɪt/ n.&ad. “We’re going to the concert tonight.” “今晚我们要去音乐会。”
  27. 过去 past /pæst/ n. “The past has shaped who I am today.” “过去塑造了我今天的样子。”
  28. 现在 now /naʊ/ n.&ad. “Now is the perfect time to start.” “现在是开始的最佳时机。”
  29. 未来 future /ˈfjuːtʃər/ n. “I’m excited about what the future holds.” “我对未来充满了期待。”
  30. 昨天 yesterday /ˈjestərdeɪ/ n.&ad. “We went to the museum yesterday.” “昨天我们去了博物馆。”
  31. 今天 today /təˈdeɪ/ n.&ad. “Today has been a productive day.” “今天过得很充实。”
  32. 明天 tomorrow /təˈmɑːroʊ/ n.&ad. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.” “我明天有一个医生的约会。”
  33. 前天 the day before yesterday /ðə deɪ bɪˈfɔːr ˈjestərdeɪ/ n.&ad. “We went to the beach the day before yesterday.” “前天我们去了海滩。”
  34. 后天 the day after tomorrow /ðə deɪ ˈæftər təˈmɑːroʊ/ n.&ad. “We’ll discuss this in our meeting the day after tomorrow.” “后天我们会在会议上讨论这个问题。”
  35. 稍后 later /ˈleɪtər/ ad. “I’ll get back to you with the details later.” “稍后我会回复你有关详情。”
  36. 上个月 last month /læst mʌnθ/ n.&ad. “I traveled to Paris last month.” “我上个月去了巴黎。”
  37. 下个月 next month /nekst mʌnθ/ n.&ad. “We’re planning a trip to Hawaii next month.” “下个月我们计划去夏威夷旅行。”


  1. 日期 weekday /ˈwiːkdeɪ/ n. “Today is a weekday, so I have to go to work.” “今天是工作日,所以我必须去上班。”
  2. 周末 weekend /ˈwiːkend/ n. “I love spending time with my family on the weekend.” “我喜欢在周末和家人共度时光。”
  3. 星期一 Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/ n. “I have a meeting scheduled for Monday morning.” “我安排了一个会议在星期一上午。”
  4. 星期二 Tuesday /ˈtuːzdeɪ/ n. “I’m planning to visit the museum on Tuesday afternoon.” “我计划在星期二下午去参观博物馆。”
  5. 星期三 Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/ n. “Wednesday is usually my busiest day at the office.” “星期三通常是我在办公室最忙的一天。”
  6. 星期四 Thursday /ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/ n. “Thursday evenings are when I take my yoga class.” “星期四的晚上是我上瑜伽课的时间。”
  7. 星期五 Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ n. “Let’s go out for dinner on Friday night.” “星期五晚上我们出去吃晚餐吧。”
  8. 星期六 Saturday /ˈsætərdeɪ/ n. “We’re having a barbecue at our house this Saturday.” “这个星期六我们在家里烧烤。”
  9. 星期日 Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/ n. “Sunday mornings are perfect for sleeping in.” “星期天早上很适合睡懒觉。”
  10. 一月 January /ˈdʒænjueri/ n. “My birthday is in January, so it’s usually cold.” “我的生日在一月,所以通常很冷。”
  11. 二月 February /ˈfebrueri/ n. “We’re planning a romantic getaway for February.” “我们计划在二月进行一个浪漫的短途旅行。”
  12. 三月 March /mɑːrtʃ/ n. “March is when the flowers start to bloom.” “三月是花朵开始绽放的时候。”
  13. 四月 April /ˈeɪprəl/ n. “April showers bring May flowers, as they say.” “四月的阵雨带来五月的鲜花,正如人们所说。”
  14. 五月 May /meɪ/ n. “May is a great time for outdoor picnics.” “五月是户外野餐的好时机。”
  15. 六月 June /dʒuːn/ n. “June is when school is out for the summer.” “六月是暑假开始的时间。”
  16. 七月 July /dʒuˈlaɪ/ n. “July is the month for fireworks and celebrations.” “七月是烟花和庆祝活动的月份。”
  17. 八月 August /ˈɔːɡəst/ n. “I’m going on vacation in August to escape the heat.” “我八月要去度假,逃避炎热的天气。”
  18. 九月 September /sepˈtembər/ n. “September marks the beginning of autumn.” “九月标志着秋天的开始。”
  19. 十月 October /ɑːkˈtoʊbər/ n. “October is my favorite month because of Halloween.” “十月是我最喜欢的月份,因为有万圣节。”
  20. 十一月 November /noʊˈvembər/ n. “November is when we celebrate Thanksgiving.” “十一月是我们庆祝感恩节的时间。”
  21. 十二月 December /dɪˈsembər/ n. “December is filled with holiday festivities.” “十二月充满了节日的庆祝活动。”
